Llano Pecos Mix

The flatlands of the Llano Estacado to the Trans Pecos of this country have inspired us to create the Llano Pecos Mix! Between the tallgrass prairies to the Chihuahua desert grasses, there lies a transition. With the Llano Pecos Mix, we have identified the remnants of these grasses and blended them together for an outstanding way to continue to keep Texas beautiful! Rarely does this mix give exactly the same beauty from year to year because of changing climate conditions in an area. With rainfall and winter conditions changing from year to year, each season will produce a different look to your pasture land. These hardy, drought tolerate varieties in this blend allow for a great way to plan for warmer and drier future climates. The Llano Pecos Mix contains first-run species that are blended specifically to fit a mid-height early successional ladder that is useful in rebuilding soils. Short grasses make smooth transitions back to productive tall grasses with adequate rainfall while keeping the ground covered. The short grasses in this blend have deep roots, which is important to those concerned with water quality and groundwater issues. On top of that, we treat our grass seed with OMRI-listed root inoculant to stimulate root growth and create more efficient and healthier plants.

Mix Components:

  • Blue Grama
  • Sideoats Grama
  • Sand Lovegrass
  • Green Sprangletop
  • Sand Dropseed
  • Prairie Wildrye
  • Plains Bristlegrass
  • Buffalograss
  • Engelman Daisy
  • Mexican Hat
  • Plains Coreopsis

Planting Rate:

  • We recommend planting at:
    • 1 Lb per 1000 sq ft.
    • 45 Lbs per acre

For More Information, Click Here: Tech Sheet


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