UT Land Mix – Andrews County


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Browning Seed, Inc. is proud to offer all of the University Lands Rangeland Seed Mixes! Listed below is the mix for Andrews County, TX! (REVISED JANUARY 1,2022)

University Lands (UL) allows only pre-approved seed mixtures to be used when reseeding damaged rangelands. Approved seed mixtures are prescribed relative to the native rangeland on a county-by-county basis. Additionally, Pearl or Foxtail Millet can also be added to any of the following seed mixtures, as a filler/nurse plant.

Preparation of seedbed:

Leave the area to be reseeded somewhat rough. Roughness will allow rain to be trapped on the surface of the seeded area and will allow seedlings a better chance of survival. Pack or firm the seedbed. Establishing native grasses is much different than agricultural crops, as the seedbed must be firm. Once packed, seed can either be Broadcast or drilled per the recommendation of the UL Range Conservationist assigned to the area. Follow up by packing the area again with tires or tracks that will leave a firm seedbed with small depressions to hold moisture. In sandy soils, a mulch or litter may be required to control wind erosion and conserve soil moisture while seedlings are becoming established. Hay, cotton burs, or other suitable material may be used.

Seed by County:

The following seed mixture is based on a Pure Live Seed (PLS) basis. Calibration of the seeding rate will be done based on the bulk weight of the seed. Bulk weight and the percentage of PLS can be found on the seed tickets, which are attached to the seed bags. To determine the amount of PLS, multiply the PLS percentage by the bulk weight of the bag. If Pearl or Foxtail Millet are added in the regular mix, add 0.75 lbs. per acre. Information on Pollinator-friendly species can be provided upon request. The following seed mix is the amount of PLS required per acre for adequate reseeding.

Andrews County:

  • Sideoats Grama/ 1.1 PLS/Acre
  • Blue Grama/ 0.4 PLS/Acre
  • Plains Bristlegrass/ 0.8 PLS/Acre
  • Sand Dropseed/ 0.3 PLS/Acre
  • Green Sprangletop/ 1.7 PLS/Acre
  • Total PLS/Acre = 4.3 PLS LBS


For More Information, Click Here: Tech Sheet

Additional information

Weight 16 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 12 × 8 in

2 Acre / 8.6 PLS LBS


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